Thursday, November 27, 2008

It sucks to be an Indian - but the terrorists will lose

I am a proud Indian, dont be mistaken. My blood is Indian and my soul is Indian too. Acutally let me correct those statements, I USED TO BE  a proud Indian. Who ever might do anything, he wouldnt dent the love for my country.

But i cant be fucked everytime! There might have been a bomb going off once or twice (after all these are cold blooded terrorists) but giving those guys a free run is way too much.

Everytime those politicians come out after a bomb blast (with a new pair of clothes to be in front of the media mind you) and they tell the country to be strong. STRONG?!?! strong you faggots?? When you guys are sitting in those fortresses and being protected, the common is being blown to smithereens. You pathetic morons should be stripped off your security and thrown off onto the streets, then we'll see how STRONG you can be!

How many times can a bomb go off? once, twice? unlimited times! But seriously, why cant the country do anything about it?

1) We are a leaderless country : Seriously? who is the leader? Manmohan or Sonia Gandhi. If its Manmohan - Fck yOU. His voice is barely audible 5 metres from where he is standing, and he is going to command the country?

2) Where is the intelligence? What intelligence?  We are a different country. We dont ape the west. SO we are Un-intelligent - this is our enduring trait and we are proud of it.  Lets check on the intelligence of the people and of the security agencies:

The intelligence dept is only to spy on the opposition parties. What undy did Aishwarya Rai wear today? - might be the top priority survellence topic in the RAW ( Research and Analysis Wing)

The memory of the public lasts only for a few months  - i read somewhere. In India it lasts until the beer flows into the tummy. The Indian electorate doesnt need growth, doesnt need development . GIMME BEER ill know the country is on its way to prosperity - is our benchmark standard.

3) Where is the police? Where there is money ofcourse. Every police man is worried about getting back the money that he invested to get the job. And he'z so busy on that, that he forgot what his job is. Policemen who are honest are not allowed to survive, while the dishonest ones will not be policing. DO we need these rowdys?

Oh there you go. - thats India.

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